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Well, I guess I give up on the Gerbil!

I have tried about everything I can find online and this thing just won't work correctly.

I have one from the kickstart buy and it was just driving me bonkers. It is to the point now that if I start an engraving it will just like get stuck, stop and leave the laser firing at full bore where I have to turn the machine off to kill it and if I turn it back on, it is still stuck on full power.

I really think this board is faulty from the factory as 1 of the stepper drivers was DOA from the get go so I had to replace one of them before I could even try to get it working.

I really wanted this to work but it is just a no-go.


Hi, Let me know which version you have, the legacy Gerbil (sandwiched pcbs) or the mini Gerbil. If possible, you can send it to me and I will check it for faults and replace it.

Cheers, Paul

Cheers, Paul awesome.tech

Hi, I have the legacy Gerbil and that would be very much appreciated if I could get it repaired or replaced.

From the get go I could not get the machine to run as smooth and fast as the stock board no matter what the settings. Plus the freezing up and locking my laser into high just made me want to give up.

Let me know how to get it back to you and I will pack it up and get it sent off. My email address is rperace@bellesouth.net if you want to communicate through email instead.

Thanks, Randall Perrin


Hi Randall, I have send a PM to your email address. Hopefully hear soon from you.

Cheers. Paul

Cheers, Paul awesome.tech

oops, I put an e in my email address that doesn't belong there, The correct email address is rperace@bellsouth.net sorry.

Can you resend your message please.

Thanks, Randall

Thanks Paul,

I replied to your message.

Hi Randall, I think your email box is full since I get yours but my replies are bouncing... anyway your replacement board is mailed from a USA warehouse so it should have already arrived or within the next day.

Cheers, Paul awesome.tech


Been super busy at work. I did get the new board in and finally got it installed this morning.

Works like a charm with lightburn. The original board was nothing even close to working like the new one, so it for sure was defective. Have a knot on my forehead from beating my head with the original board.

I haven't actually cut or engraved with it yet, but I did a couple of dry runs on cutting and engraving and it works as it should.

Thank you for being a stand up guy and standing behind your product.

I am a happy camper at the moment.

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