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mini gerbil keeps freezing during engraving

Hi. just installed my mini gerbil with lightburn 0.9.16 on my k40.using windows 7.Problem im having is every 2nd or 3rd engrave job the board freezes and i cant finish the job.i have to turn machine off resulting in a reset to home and throwing job away.only settings ive changed are $30=800 and s=800 to get it to engrave.1 time it  froze the controller msg said restoring spindle.other times it thinks job is still in progress.only way to stop job is switch machine off.any help would be greatly appreciated id like to keep the board but if this problem persists its useless and very costly to me.

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  • 20200905_150719.jpg
  • 20200906_101743.jpg
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Hi Steve,

It seems to be a bad grounding earth connection see K40 laser grounding instructions

You can set JP1 from 5vEXT to 5vUSB to confirm the case. If that works better then you have a grounding issue.

Please let me know if that helps,

Cheers Paul

Cheers, Paul awesome.tech

thanks ill give that a try as i performed the ground wire fix before putting board in.I have changed the usb cable to check and have had some success.engraved same image on wood and glass about 5 times no glitch fingers crossed it may be the issue.

Hi Paul just updating you.after removing the new usb cable I bought(not from you guys) and replacing it with another shorter one i have since engraved the same image consecutively 10 times on scrap without issue.so I will put it down to the cable.it was 3m long now 1m.will keep testing over the next few days if it happens again ill try the suggestion above and report back before this gets closed off. Thanks for the help

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