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Laser ON after project finished auto homing

This started happening after latest update.
Using LB 1.2.01 update on a minigrbl K40 v1.1revb:

When a project is finished and machine auto homes the laser turns back on after that auto homing.

The only way I have been able to stop laser is by clicking home in lightburn again.


Here is a link to the lightburn forum where I asked the same question and decided to see if we could get an answer here.


Please let me know if any other info is needed.



Hi Josh,

I read your Lightburn forum post, thanks for providing that.

I think a lot comes down to your statement "This started happening after latest LB 1.2.01 update". I know it will take 5 minutes but it would be very helpful if you could download your previous Lightburn version from here, and confirm the problem goes away, and then reinstall the 1.2.01 and confirm the problem returns. Once we have absolute clarity on that, then it's easier for Awesome.Tech and/or Lightburn to get to the bottom of it.

The camera in your video moved quickly, but I did see the four blue wire from your big connector draped across your mains voltage wires. So once you can confirm whether the software is the cause, we can work through possibilities of interference or a loose connection with the LO wire on the large connector. The LO wire is the thing that triggers the laser, it's the one to look at. Ignore the heartbeat LED.




Had some sick know kiddos today and could not do anymore today. Will update this evening or tomorrow morning

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The problem seems to have fixed itself.

Came into the shop today and started making some pumpkins for my kids class and no issue with the ghost firing.

Laptop was restarted but that was the only change that was made.
If the problem comes back I will update this thread.

Thanks for the help

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