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Forum Support Ticket System

Hi Paul ,

would a support ticket system work better than forum posts ?

The reason i am asking is that i think it would help you and the gerbil owners alot

1) awesome tech able to keep track of peoples issues better ,no more bouncing from post to post.

2 Us Forum users (gerbil supporters) would have more confidence on our questions being answered. As i feel personally that some of my questions are being overlooked & Unanswered  .




Hi Nathan,

that’s really a great idea. The current k40 forum was meant to be a support system carried by many of its users. Only a few people have take up that support which leaves a lot to me to handle via email.  A ticket system would make everyone’s life a bit easier.

ok will check what is available on the web since jira helpdesk is way too expensive for such a small customer base. Will keep you all posted.

cheers, Paul and Dan

Cheers, Paul awesome.tech

Hi, I have managed to find an easy and simple ticket support system. i have activated a button on any page so you can raise any issue via a ticket!

Cheers, Paul awesome.tech

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